5Action HD Today
7:00 AM
eFOLDi Mobility Scooters
A chance to buy eFOLDi lightweight electric folding mobility scooters
A chance to buy award winning eFOLDi lightweight electric folding mobility scooters

8:00 AM
Shop: Cruise TV with LoveitBookit
Your one-stop-shop for all things cruise; bringing you t...
Your one-stop-shop for all things cruise; bringing you the hottest destinations, ground-breaking ships and the latest deals to ensure your next cruise is your greatest one

9:00 AM
Car Pound Cops
Colin deals with a car that has ran out of petrol near Watford services
In Northamptonshire, Colin deals with a car that has ran out of petrol near Watford services, and in Skye, recovery driver Cara is out to collect a car with a punctured tyre

9:25 AM
Outback Truckers
Australia's toughest highways
Meeting the people who drive some of the heaviest and least manoeuvrable vehicles along some of Australia's toughest highways

10:25 AM
Traffic Cops
An insight into the working life of officers patrolling Britain's roads
An insight into the working life of officers patrolling the nation's roads, using modern technology and old-fashioned methods to bring criminals to justice

11:25 AM
Police Interceptors
Andy Lawson is involved in a high-speed chase through a housing estate
Andy Lawson is involved in a high-speed chase through a housing estate, while Kev Salter carries out an early morning raid on a suspected drug dealer's house,

12:25 PM
The Wild and the Innocent
Comedy Western, starring Audie Murphy
Two naive mountain dwellers visit a town for the first time in their lives, but end up falling foul of a crooked sheriff. Comedy Western, starring Audie Murphy and Sandra Dee

1:30 PM
The Wild and the Innocent
Comedy Western, starring Audie Murphy
Two naive mountain dwellers visit a town for the first time in their lives, but end up falling foul of a crooked sheriff. Comedy Western, starring Audie Murphy and Sandra Dee

2:15 PM
Western, with Audie Murphy
A wrongly accused fugitive's anonymity in a mountain retreat is jeopardised by a woman from a nearby village. Western, with Audie Murphy and Burl Ives

3:20 PM
Western, with Audie Murphy
A wrongly accused fugitive's anonymity in a mountain retreat is jeopardised by a woman from a nearby village. Western, with Audie Murphy and Burl Ives

4:00 PM
Outback Truckers
Trucking legend Steve and his dog Bella take a huge load cross-country
Trucking legend Steve and his dog Bella take a huge load cross-country from Alice Springs to Perth. Meanwhile, engine issues see Russell struggle to hit a delivery deadline

5:00 PM
Traffic Cops
Officers chase a getaway driver on a 120mph rampage
Teaming up with neighbouring forces under Operation Fuego Derbyshire's police chase a getaway driver on a 120mph rampage

6:00 PM
Police Interceptors
Kev pepper-sprays a suspect resisting arrest
Kev pepper-sprays a suspect resisting arrest, while Richie and his colleagues undertake a tactical pursuit and containment operation on a stolen car in the snow

7:00 PM
Police Interceptors
Liam and his dog Vader bring down a fleeing suspect
Liam and his dog Vader bring down a fleeing suspect, while Kev and Spike rescue a man trapped in an overturned car after a spectacular crash

8:00 PM
Police Interceptors
Officers race to stop a drink-driver heading the wrong way up the M6
Damien and Mark take drastic action against a violent suspect on New Year's Eve, and officers race to stop a drink-driver who is heading the wrong way up the M6

9:00 PM
Police: Night Shift 999
Officers are called to a fight in a takeaway
Officers are called to a fight in a takeaway and arrest four men, the occupants of a car abandon the vehicle after a hit-and-run, and bouncers are racially abused by a passer-by

10:00 PM
Police Interceptors
A runaway driver is brought to a stop with a stinger
A runaway driver is brought to a stop with a stinger, but unfortunately for officer Rob Harfleet the stinger team is so stealthy and efficient it takes out one of his tyres as well

11:00 PM
Motorway Cops: Catching Britain's Speeders
A driver refuses to stop for PC Brian Camsell and ditches his car
A driver refuses to stop for PC Brian Camsell and ditches his car, attempting to make a run for it. PC Jamie Leslie hunts for a car linked to an attempted house theft

12:00 AM
Scam City
Cautionary tales from the Czech capital, Prague
Conor Woodman examines common scams in Prague, including cheating taxi drivers, thieves who prey on drunken revellers, and a frightening scheme in a nightclub

1:05 AM
Police Interceptors
The knife-crime team targets drug hotspots
Jim and Lisa direct an intelligence-led strike, with the suspects believed to be in possession of a handgun and ammunition, while the knife-crime team targets drug hotspots

2:05 AM
Trucking Hell
Marcus Charman and Trigger patch up an HGV's fuel tank during rush hour
Marcus Charman and Trigger patch up an HGV's fuel tank during evening rush hour. Tez resorts to using a blowtorch to fix a car transporter's snapped spring

3:10 AM
Trucking Hell
A jack-knifed HGV careers through the front garden of a property
On one of the UK's busiest roads, a jack-knifed HGV has careered through a front garden, over a ditch and blocked a lane of traffic