5Action HD Friday

5Action HD
6:00 AM
Home shopping
7:00 AM
eFOLDi Mobility Scooters
A chance to buy eFOLDi lightweight electric folding mobility scooters
7:30 AM
JML Presents
Home shopping
8:00 AM
Shop: Cruise TV with LoveitBookit
Your one-stop-shop for all things cruise; bringing you t...
9:00 AM
Car Pound Cops: Give Me My Car Back!
In Northampton, Ricardo is distraught at the prospect of losing his car
9:30 AM
Outback Truckers
Cameron's journey gets hotter and harder
10:25 AM
Traffic Cops
The team is called to an accident involving a motorbike
11:25 AM
Police Interceptors
A stick of dynamite is brought into Carlisle's main police station
12:25 PM
Man Without a Star
Western, starring Kirk Douglas
1:25 PM
Entertainment News on 5
Showbiz news and gossip
1:30 PM
Man Without a Star
Western, starring Kirk Douglas
2:15 PM
The Yellow Mountain
Western, starring Howard Duff
3:15 PM
Entertainment News on 5
Showbiz news and gossip
3:20 PM
The Yellow Mountain
Western, starring Howard Duff
4:00 PM
Outback Truckers
Nick and Jo face tough driving conditions with volatile cargo
5:00 PM
Traffic Cops
In Harrogate, police on patrol face an escalating situation
6:00 PM
Police Interceptors
Angus and Sean smash down a door to save a man's life
7:00 PM
Police Interceptors
Officers face one of Cumbria's most alcohol-fuelled nights of the year
8:00 PM
Live Boxing: Eubank v McKenna
Coverage of the undercard ahead of Harlem Eubank v Tyrone McKenna
9:00 PM
999: Police Hour of Duty
A woman arrives in custody after being arrested on suspicion of causing harm to her baby
10:00 PM
Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack
An officer is bitten on the finger while trying to make an arrest
11:00 PM
Police Interceptors
The work of Northamptonshire's high-speed police interception unit
12:00 AM
Motorway Cops: Catching Britain's Speeders
PC Martain Anderson races to a hit-and-run
1:00 AM
Scam City
The tricks of con artists in Rome
2:00 AM
Trucking Hell
A bin lorry stuck in mud is in danger of keeling over
3:00 AM
Trucking Hell
A bin lorry stuck in mud is in danger of keeling over
3:55 AM
Entertainment News on 5
Showbiz news and gossip
4:00 AM
Home shopping