BBC Alba HD Tuesday

6:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal
5:00 PM
AH-AH thinks that MacÌomhair has no time for him
5:10 PM
Playing with boomerangs
5:20 PM
Meaban is Moo
Linda visits her friends Meaban and Moo at their hut to set them fun challenges
5:25 PM
Cleasan Àtaidh & Tilidh (The Adventures of Abney & Teal)
Abney and Teal construct a dragon
5:35 PM
Daolag-bhreac is Seillean (Ladybird & Bee)
The friends learn how people are kind to one another when they are unwell
5:40 PM
Oscar & Ealasaid
Célestine is preparing drawings for Mandarine's birthday
5:55 PM
Catriona MacKinnon reads Ged nach Fhaod sinn Cudail a thoirt by Eoin McLaughlin
6:00 PM
An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc (The Rubbish World of Dave Spud)
Dave wants to learn to play the drums at school
6:10 PM
An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc (The Rubbish World of Dave Spud)
Dave and Fuzzypeg the dog get dirty playing at the local dump
6:25 PM
Alba Eagalach
The CBBC ALBA team takes a sideways look at some Scottish myths and legends
6:35 PM
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras (The Royals Next Door)
The Queen Mother is intent seeing on that Stella isn’t seen as 'normal'
6:45 PM
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras (The Royals Next Door)
Stella receives detention for the first time ever
7:00 PM
Bus Ghlaschú (Glasgow Bus)
Following singer Lorraine MacIntosh as she journeys from Glasgow to Donegal
7:25 PM
Joy Dunlop guides viewers through the first steps of speaking Gaelic
8:00 PM
An Là (News)
Local, national and international news
8:30 PM
Slighe Chladach Fiobha
Iagan MacNeil sees the magnificent Forth Bridges up close
9:00 PM
An t-Uisge (Rain Stories)
Rain's effect on Scottish culture - including a frog wedding in India
10:00 PM
Trusadh (Compelling Stories)
Deserted villages in Uig, Harris and the district of Lochs
11:00 PM
Gaelic soap
11:25 PM
Fraochy Bay
Ina and Jessie go on holiday to recharge their batteries
11:30 PM
Alleluia! (Spiritual Music & Verse)
Isobel Ann Martin sings Òran don t-Saoghal
12:00 AM
Alba Today
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal