Blaze Tuesday
6:00 AM
Dickinson's Real Deal
The team visits Nottingham
The team visits Nottingham, where finds include a Henry Moore lithograph and a helmet worn by Donald Campbell, while David Dickinson meets the curator of the DH Lawrence Heritage

6:40 AM
Pawn Stars
The team values a ring that once belonged to a famous gangster
The team values a ring that once belonged to notorious 1930s gangster Lucky Luciano and a letter signed by a famous American football coach

7:05 AM
Pawn Stars
Autographed memoirs of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
The guys examine memoirs of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor signed by the couple themselves, and a collection of tin army trucks from the 1950s

7:30 AM
Container Wars
A container from Guam is up for grabs
Manic Matt competes with Uzi and Schlomi over a container from Guam

7:55 AM
Storage Hunters
Big money brings out fierce competition at a rare high-stakes RV auction
Big money brings out fierce competition at a rare high-stakes RV auction. Then, the contents of a locker spill out at our bidders' feet, smashing several dangerous objects

8:25 AM
Storage Hunters
A trio of motorhomes come up for sale
Brandon and Lori Bernier discover more potential bargains in storage lockers, including a trio of motorhomes, bronze statues and jet skis

8:55 AM
Hardcore Pawn
The employees express their displeasure following Joe's arrest
Following Joe's arrest, the employees express their displeasure when new security measures are implemented to make sure that no one steals anything

9:20 AM
Hardcore Pawn
Seth's new policy causes widespread discontent
The ladies working the redeem windows all take sick leave, leading Les and Ashley to believe that Seth's new policy is causing widespread discontent

9:50 AM
Hardcore Pawn
Seth rescinds his invasive search policies for his employees
Seth rescinds his invasive search policies for his employees, prompting the women to return to work - but the leader soon wrestles with falling profits

10:15 AM
UFO Hunters
The team investigates rumours of human-alien genetic experiments
The team investigates rumours of human-alien genetic experiments reportedly going on deep below the New Mexico desert in an underground base

11:10 AM
Weird or What? With William Shatner
The connection between the world's magnetic fields and its cow population
A dental receptionist who had an amazing escape and a man with an incredible connection. Plus, the connection between the world's magnetic fields and its cow population

12:10 PM
Weird Britain
Andy McGrath receives basic military training at a Civil War re-enactment
Andy McGrath receives basic military training at a Civil War re-enactment and embarks upon a hunt in the creepy surroundings of Littledean Jail with a paranormal researcher

1:05 PM
When Big Things Go Wrong
The collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis
Clues from other disasters are examined to determine what caused the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis to collapse without warning at the peak of rush hour traffic

2:05 PM
Pawn Stars
The guys value hand-made Pinocchio dolls
The guys examine rare hand-made Pinocchio dolls, a harmonica belonging to Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler, and a valuable baseball card from 1909

2:35 PM
Pawn Stars
The guys come across a former president's golf ball
The guys are tempted by a musket owned by famous inventor Eli Whitney and a golf ball that once belonged to president Lyndon B Johnson

3:05 PM
Storage Hunters
Cash flies over a locker that reveals a high-ticket mystery item
Cash flies over a locker that reveals a high-ticket mystery item. Then, everyone digs deep to win an ATM

3:35 PM
Storage Hunters
Brandon and Scott hope to strike it lucky
Brandon and Scott hope to strike it lucky as they compete for ten-pin bowling equipment. Then, a locker reveals a covered item that's thought to be a vintage car

4:00 PM
Ancient Aliens
Evidence suggesting aliens once saved humanity from great floods
Investigators find evidence suggesting that ancient aliens saved humanity from great floods

5:00 PM
Ancient Aliens
The disappearance of civilisations throughout time and across the globe
Experts explore the disappearance of civilisations throughout time and across the globe, wondering if clues left in their wake point to an otherwordly explanation

6:00 PM
UFO Hunters
Suspected underwater alien bases
The team from UFO Magazine investigates what appear to be underwater landing strips and other strange evidence in the wake of UFO sightings in Florida

7:00 PM
Evidence of the Unexplained
UFO sightings, terrifying abductions and other bizarre occurrences
A look at UFO sightings, terrifying abductions and other bizarre occurrences, casting new light on historic cases

8:00 PM
The Proof Is Out There: Alien Edition
Journalist Tony Harris explores mysteries in Kansas and Japan
Journalist Tony Harris questions whether a UFO really did land in Kansas and whether remains found in Japan are extraterrestrial in nature

9:00 PM
The Abduction of Calvin Parker
Part one of two. An alleged UFO sighting and alien abduction in 1973
Part one of two. An alleged UFO sighting and alien abduction in 1973, in which Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson claimed they were abducted and examined by aliens

10:20 PM
Alien Abductions: Answers
So-called evidence of alien contact
Documentary highlighting what its producers see as undeniable evidence of alien contact, which is suggested can no longer be concealed by government

12:10 AM
Close Encounters
A wave of reported UFO sightings in the Brazilian city of Colares
A wave of UFO sightings in the Brazilian city of Colares causes mass panic, and in Australia, a flying object causes a serious problems for a farmer

12:35 AM
Close Encounters
A former naval officer sees lights in the sky
In Nova Scotia, a former naval officer sees five bright lights in the skies. He is able to see a cigar-shaped object behind the light, about 20 feet in length

1:00 AM
UFO Hunters
The team investigates rumours of human-alien genetic experiments
The team investigates rumours of human-alien genetic experiments reportedly going on deep below the New Mexico desert in an underground base

2:00 AM
Weird or What? With William Shatner
A toddler who survived being frozen solid
A man who survived being struck by lightning six times and a toddler who was literally frozen solid and thawed out again without injury

3:00 AM
Hardcore Pawn
Part two of two. The Golds set up an elaborate sting to catch the thief
Part two of two. The Golds set up an elaborate sting to catch the thief and hope they have enough evidence to involve the police

3:25 AM
Counting Cars
A client is unable to pay for Danny's services
Danny and Kevin acquire a classic car for a client who is unable to pay for it

3:50 AM
Counting Cars
Dave and Mike make a purchase behind Danny's back
Danny teaches Dave and Mike a lesson after they make a purchase behind his back, while work on a Chevrolet runs into trouble

4:10 AM
Ancient Aliens
Experts investigate the mysterious origins of mummification
Experts investigate the mysterious origins of mummification and any possible influences exerted by extraterrestrials

5:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Whether extraterrestrials landed on Earth thousands of years ago
Investigations into the possibility that extraterrestrials with a superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago