Blaze Tuesday

6:00 AM
Dickinson's Real Deal
A gold bracelet is valued in Warrington
6:40 AM
Pawn Stars
The guys are offered a dollar bill signed by Clark Gable
7:05 AM
Pawn Stars
A model train, allegedly owned by Johnny Cash rolls into the shop
7:30 AM
Container Wars
A container has a shady past
7:55 AM
Storage Hunters
The bidders head to Marina del Rey, California
8:25 AM
Storage Hunters
Jesse and Brandon argue
8:55 AM
Hardcore Pawn
Les reconsiders his choice of manager
9:20 AM
Hardcore Pawn
Les's return proves a shock for Seth and Ashley
9:50 AM
Hardcore Pawn
Two teens come in with news of a scam
10:15 AM
UFO Hunters
An investigation into Area 52
11:10 AM
Conspiracy Files: Unsealed
Asking if weather control is being used to incite the next global war
11:40 AM
National Park Mysteries
The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
12:10 PM
Weird Britain: UFO Special
Andy McGrath sets out on a captivating journey into British Ufology
1:05 PM
When Big Things Go Wrong
An incident in which a Boeing 777 crash-landed into the San Francisco Airport
2:05 PM
Pawn Stars
The guys check out 'The Mirthmobile' from Wayne's World
2:35 PM
Pawn Stars
Rick checks out a 1939 Superman doll
3:05 PM
Storage Hunters
Scott goes all out to win at an auction
3:35 PM
Storage Hunters
Tarrell 'T-Money' Wright makes a revelation
4:00 PM
Ancient Aliens
Experts investigate whether alien life forms are thriving in Earth's seas
5:00 PM
Ancient Aliens
Crop circles
6:00 PM
UFO Hunters
The team investigates growing numbers of flying orbs sightings
7:00 PM
Storage Hunters
The bidders head to Marina del Rey, California
7:30 PM
Storage Hunters
Jesse and Brandon argue
8:00 PM
Dickinson's Real Deal
David Dickinson helps people in Lancaster
9:00 PM
A Cut Above
The remaining carvers create skateboards for judge Ryan Cook
10:00 PM
Blown Away
A sculpture that captures the heat, energy and emotion of fire
10:30 PM
Blown Away
The final two competitors create a show-stopping installation
11:00 PM
Court Cam
A demonic-looking defendant sends a threatening message to a jury
11:30 PM
Court Cam
A teacher pays a shocking price for an affair with an underage student
12:00 AM
Encounter: UFO
The aircraft that encountered an object that failed to appear on radar
1:00 AM
UFO Hunters
An investigation into Area 52
2:00 AM
Conspiracy Files: Unsealed
Experts question whether the government is controlling what people think
2:30 AM
National Park Mysteries
A plane crash in the Everglades National Park leads to strange hauntings
3:00 AM
Hardcore Pawn
Seth ignores Ashley's wish to ban a troublesome customer
3:25 AM
Counting Cars
The guys make a couch out of a coffin
3:50 AM
Counting Cars
An unexpected visitor causes chaos in the shop
4:10 AM
Ancient Aliens
The accounts of modern-day alien abductees
5:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
How extraterrestrials may be responsible for mankind's existence