National Geographic WILD Wednesday

National Geographic WILD
6:00 AM
Teleshopping. U.
6:30 AM
U. Teleshopping.
8:00 AM
Secrets of the Zoo
The cheetah repopulation program starts to take effect
9:00 AM
World's Deadliest
Animals that kill in painful ways
10:00 AM
Africa's Hunters
A powerful pride of 20 lions finds itself with only one cub
11:00 AM
Africa's Deadliest
Deadly snakes which employ poison to kill their prey
12:00 PM
The Incredible Dr Pol
The Pols are ready for Halloween
1:00 PM
Yukon Vet
Dr Oakley treats a miracle moose
2:00 PM
Legend of the Giant Squid
David Attenborough narrates a look at the ocean giants thriving in Antarctica
3:00 PM
Day of the Dragon
The challenges facing the world's biggest lizards
4:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo
Two baby white rhinos join the herd at The Wilds
5:00 PM
The Incredible Dr Pol
The vet gets behind the wheel of a race car
6:00 PM
Snakes in the City
A huge black mamba hides under a kitchen sink
7:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo
A new-born sea lion pup struggles to stay alive
8:00 PM
Snakes In The City: Venomous Face-Off
Compilation of highlights from the series
9:00 PM
Ten Deadliest Snakes with Nigel Marven
The naturalist looks at snakes from the Philippines
10:00 PM
Alaska: The Next Generation
The next generation of Alaskans face brutal winter elements
11:00 PM
Ice Road Rescue
Thord and Bjoern face a roadside stand-off with the police
12:00 AM
Monster Fish
Zeb Hogan examines Australia's Murray cod