Oireachtas TV Wednesday

Oireachtas TV
4:50 AM
Houses of the Oireachtas Replay
Replay of selected content from the Houses of the Oireachtas
8:00 AM
Houses of the Oireachtas Replay
Replay of selected content from the Houses of the Oireachtas
9:10 AM
Live Topical Issues
When Deputies who have raised a matter which is topical ...
10:00 AM
Private Members' Business
Private Members Business is time set aside to debate ...
12:00 PM
Leaders Questions Live
When Party Leaders and Leaders of recognised technical g...
12:35 PM
Questions on Promised Legislation Live
Questions on Promised Legislation are limited to it...
1:05 PM
Questions to An Taoiseach
Where the Taoiseach, as Head of a Government Department...
2:50 PM
Houses of the Oireachtas
Legislation, Motions or Statements proposed by the Government
8:45 PM
Live Dáil Matters for Decision
A period set aside for the taking of votes on motions that ...
9:45 PM
Leaders' Questions Replay
Where Party Leaders and the Leaders of recognised techn...
10:30 PM
Seanad Éireann Replay
Replay of current Seanad Éireann sittings
4:00 AM
Houses of the Oireachtas Replay
Replay of selected content from the Houses of the Oireachtas