RTE One +1 Today

RTE One +1
4:15 AM
Headlines update
7:00 AM
Headlines update
7:40 AM
Home shopping
8:10 AM
Home shopping
8:45 AM
Daily magazine show
10:50 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
With Sebastian Maniscalco
11:15 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
With authors Erin and Ben Napier
11:40 AM
The Kelly Clarkson Show
With Jay Leno, Novi Brown and Hannah Fry
12:35 PM
The Repair Shop
Jay Blades and the team restore two teddy bears that share a love story
1:30 PM
Shortland Street
Though Alice pushes for sex, Louis refuses to rush things
2:00 PM
RTÉ News: One O'Clock and Weather
National and international news
2:30 PM
Home and Away
Harper implores John to keep her doubts about the wedding to himself
3:00 PM
Wendy realises how delicate her daughter's mental state is
3:30 PM
Fair City
Panicking about her exams, Melanie reaches out to someone who can help
4:00 PM
Fair City
Long-running soap
4:30 PM
Daily magazine show
6:40 PM
The latest news headlines
6:55 PM
RTÉ News with Signing
National and international news.
7:00 PM
The Angelus
Mark Feeley chisels a simple plea or prayer for Suaimhneas
7:01 PM
RTÉ News: Six One and Weather
The latest national and international headlines
8:00 PM
Hearing from two young men who are champions in their sport of Downhill biking
8:30 PM
Sharon attempts to support a loved one
9:00 PM
Cailini Comhraic
Christina discovers whether she's secured a spot on the Olympic team
9:30 PM
Saol na Feirme
It's harvest time for David, a make-or-break moment for the year's crop
10:00 PM
RTÉ News: Nine O'Clock and Weather
The latest national and international news
10:35 PM
Appeals and reconstructions
11:35 PM
Upfront with Katie Hannon
Current affairs magazine
12:35 AM
The Complaints Bureau
Consumer programme
1:10 AM
The Late Late Show
Music and chat, hosted by Patrick Kielty
2:40 AM
Hearing from two young men who are champions in their sport of Downhill biking
3:15 AM
The Kelly Clarkson Show
With Jay Leno, Novi Brown and Hannah Fry
4:00 AM
Headlines update