Sky History 2 HD Today
6:00 AM
Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence
Whether Earth's stone monoliths were built with extra terrestrial help
Giorgio Tsoukalos questions whether Earth's stone monoliths were built with extra terrestrial help

7:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Examining whether extraterrestrials influenced the Sumerian civilisation
Theorists search ancient texts for proof that extraterrestrials influenced the miraculous advances made by the Sumerian civilisation 5,000 years ago

8:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
The controversy surrounding the ancient Crystal Skulls
Experts explore the controversy surrounding the ancient Crystal Skulls, asking what powers might be unleashed if all 13 artefacts were brought together

9:00 AM
Combat Ships
The smallest ships of war
The smallest ships of war, such as the tiny canoes of the Cockleshell Heroes who led an audacious attack on German ships, and the boats that rescused soldiers from Dunkirk

10:00 AM
Combat Trains
The role of trains during the Second World War
Documentary series exploring the role of trains in the major conflicts of the past 150 years. This instalment considers the Second World War of 1939 to 1944

11:00 AM
Combat Machines
A look at the origins of the arms race
A look at the origins of the arms race, from the first use of nuclear weapons that ended the Second World War through the duration of the Cold War

12:00 PM
Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence
Whether Earth's stone monoliths were built with extra terrestrial help
Giorgio Tsoukalos questions whether Earth's stone monoliths were built with extra terrestrial help

1:00 PM
Ancient Aliens
Examining whether extraterrestrials influenced the Sumerian civilisation
Theorists search ancient texts for proof that extraterrestrials influenced the miraculous advances made by the Sumerian civilisation 5,000 years ago

2:00 PM
What on Earth?
Documentary exploring unexplained phenomena
Documentary exploring anomalies appearing on satellite images. An image of a wrecked aeroplane triggers a hunt that leads to a Colombian drug lord

3:00 PM
Hitler's British Island
Part one of two. Nazi control of the Channel Island of Alderney
Part one of two. How the Channel Island of Alderney became a pre-occupation of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and was transformed into one of the most heavily fortified places on Earth

4:00 PM
Hitler's British Island
Part two of two. Nazi control of the Channel Island of Alderney
Part two of two. On the orders of Hitler, more than 5,000 slave labourers were shipped to Alderney to build a series of fortifications designed to protect the island from attack

5:00 PM
Deadman's Curse
An indigenous woman's testimony claims to know where Slumach found his gold
An indigenous woman's testimony claims to know where Slumach found his gold. After returning from the expedition empty-handed, a vision has Kru rattled

6:00 PM
Cursed Histories
The curse of Timur
The rumour that the tomb of Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur is cursed such that whoever disturbs it will face a calamity

7:00 PM
Digging for Britain
Alice Roberts visits archaeological digs in the north of Britain
Alice Roberts visits archaeological digs in the north of Britain, where finds include Scottish man-made islands that help paint a picture of Stone Age tech

8:00 PM
Digging for Britain
Alice Roberts visits archaeological digs in the east of Britain
Alice Roberts visits archaeological digs in the east of Britain, where finds include new revelations from a 3,000-year-old preserved village in Cambridgeshire

9:00 PM
American Godfathers: The Five Families
The conflict between the families' old guard and a new generation of mobsters
The conflict between the families' old guard and a new generation of younger, American-born, mobsters willing to defy the authority of the bosses and long-established rules

11:00 PM
Ancient Aliens
The theory that Satan may have been extraterrestrial
Investigating new interpretations of ancient texts indicating that Satan may have been an extraterrestrial

12:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
Examining whether extraterrestrials influenced the Sumerian civilisation
Theorists search ancient texts for proof that extraterrestrials influenced the miraculous advances made by the Sumerian civilisation 5,000 years ago

2:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
The controversy surrounding the ancient Crystal Skulls
Experts explore the controversy surrounding the ancient Crystal Skulls, asking what powers might be unleashed if all 13 artefacts were brought together

3:00 AM
American Godfathers: The Five Families
The conflict between the families' old guard and a new generation of mobsters
The conflict between the families' old guard and a new generation of younger, American-born, mobsters willing to defy the authority of the bosses and long-established rules

5:00 AM
Instruments of Death
The development of weapons and body armour
Karl Ude-Martinez and Kevin Hicks explore how weapons and body armour were developed, beginning with a look at the impact of the 1645 Battle of Naseby

6:00 AM
Ancient Aliens
The power of the number three
Investigations into the power of the number three in history, science and astronomy, and its possible links to extraterrestrial life