Sky Kids Saturday

Sky Kids
12:00 AM
Emily Elizabeth and Clifford pretend to be Library Fair...
12:15 AM
When Emily Elizabeth and Clifford learn about Babette, t...
12:30 AM
Emily Elizabeth and Clifford find mysterious treasure a...
12:45 AM
Clifford reads about Robin Hood and sets out to beco...
1:00 AM
Jack gets upset when he struggles to surf like the rest ...
1:15 AM
When Emily Elizabeth reads Clifford a book about wild wo...
1:30 AM
Emily Elizabeth sets out to create the perfect mini gol...
1:45 AM
There's a huge dance party on Birdwell Island and Emi...
2:00 AM
Tickety Toc
Tommy and Tallulah prepare for Madame Au Lait's town photograph
2:15 AM
Tickety Toc
Chikidee gets stuck inside McCoggins' birthday cake
2:30 AM
Tickety Toc
The twins try to make everyone laugh
2:45 AM
Tickety Toc
Tommy is desperate to master the game of Whackerty
3:00 AM
Tickety Toc
McCoggins makes a model out of lollipop sticks
3:15 AM
Tickety Toc
Tommy and Tallulah make a new friend
3:30 AM
Tickety Toc
Tommy and Tallulah's magic trick fails
3:45 AM
Tickety Toc
The twins try to track down a food thief
4:00 AM
64 Zoo Lane
Herbert develops a watermelon obsession
4:15 AM
64 Zoo Lane
Alan's skills come in handy
4:30 AM
64 Zoo Lane
The animals have an important visitor
4:45 AM
64 Zoo Lane
A puffin learns to play football
5:00 AM
64 Zoo Lane
Ronald tries to woo Rosie
5:15 AM
64 Zoo Lane
Nathalie gets a new neighbour
5:30 AM
64 Zoo Lane
Casper learns to change colour
5:45 AM
64 Zoo Lane
Seamus the stork has an accident