True Detective
The Secret Fate of All Life
Season 1 Episode 5 of 8
In 1995, Ginger and Cohle meet with Reggie Ledoux's cousin Dewall to try to set up a drug deal, but he refuses and leaves. Hart follows him and he and Cohle find the Ledouxs' hidden meth lab in the bayou, where the detectives make a shocking discovery. In 2002, tensions rise in the Hart household as Audrey rebels against her father, while Cohle gets a surprise while trying to get a confession out of a suspected murderer. Crime drama, starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson
True Detective airs on Sky Atlantic HD at 10:30 AM, Saturday 21 December. (Subtitles, repeat, audio description, rating with pin.)
Learn more about True Detective and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Detective ➝ Thriller
Matthew McConaughey
Woody Harrelson
Michelle Monaghan