Keeping Up Appearances

Keeping Up Appearances

"Keeping Up Appearances" is a BBC sitcom starring Patricia Routledge as social-climbing snob Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced "Bouquet"). Her home is spotless and her long-suffering husband Richard (Clive Swift) has no choice but to put up with her eccentric behaviour. All of Hyacinth's best-laid plans always end in disaster, usually to the detriment of her neighbour Elizabeth (Josephine Tewson), who shares a home with her brother Emmet (David Griffin). Hyacinth has three sisters: Violet (Anna Dawson) lives in a large detached house, and Daisy (Judy Cornwell) and Rose (Shirley Stelfox in series one then Mary Millar) live together in a council house with Daisy's husband Onslow (Geoffrey Hughes). Other people who find Hyacinth difficult include Daddy (George Webb), the vicar (Jeremy Gittins), the Major (Peter Cellier), Mrs Councillor Nugent (Charmian May) and even the postman (David Janson). Created by Roy Clarke ("Last of the Summer Wine", "Open All Hours"), the hugely popular series premiered on BBC One in 1990 and ran for five series.

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